Employees' State Insurance Corporation
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Walk-In Interview for Contractual Senior Resident and
Specialist/ Superspecialist Doctors
Walk-In-Interview for the various vacancies in respect of
Doctors for contractual engagement at ESIC Hospital, Varanasi
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
Location: Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Senior Resident Doctors (1 year contract against vacant posts of GDMO Cadre)
Department: Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 4, General Medicine - 1, Medicine (ecology) - 1, Medicine (Cardiology) - 1, Medicine (Nephrology) - 1, General Surgery - 1, Surgery (Urology) - 1, Paediatrics - 1, ICU - 4, ENT - 1, Casualty - 3, Orthopaedics - 1, Radiology - 1, Pathology - 1
Senior Resident (3 year contract under ESIC Residency Scheme)
Department: Anaesthesia-1, Obstetrics & Gynaecology-2, General Medicine-1, General Surgery-1
Superspecialist/ Specialist (Full Time/ Part Time)
Department: Cardiology-2, Gastroenterology-1, Neurology-1, Oncology (Medical) - 1, Endocrinology-1, Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 1, Paediatrics - 1, Dermatology - 1, Radiology - 2
Date, Reporting Time & Venue of Interview: 12.09.2024, 9.00 am, Office of Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Pandeypur, Varanasi
For other details (Qualification, Age, Reservation, Emoluments & Terms and conditions) candidate can visit: www.esic.gov.in in recruitment tab.
Note: Advertisement for Walk-InInterview for contractual doctors is published at our ESIC website (www.esic.gov.in) under the recruitment tab as per vacancy requirement rom time to time for the whole year.