It is a software development and IT training provider and consultant company based in nagpur offering services in the area of application development, web development, training in IT and non IT language and outsourcing
Job Location:
Job Description:
Skills: -
Proficiency in programming language like java, JavaScript
Understanding of testing framework such as selenium, Appium, or Cypress
Knowledge of version control system like Git.
Ability to write clear and concise test cases and test scripts.
Understanding of Agile methodologies and software development lifecycle.
Good communication skills.
Roles and Responsibilities
Developing and maintaining automated test scripts.
Executing Automated test scripts to identify bugs, defects.
Analysing test result and reporting issue to the development team.
Conducting regressions testing.
Contributing to the improvement of testing process and methodologies.
Demonstrate learning and self -improvement, seeking feedback.
Collaborating with software developers and quality assurance engineers.
Functional Area:
IT - Software
Functional Role:
Candidate Requirement
Roles and Responsibilities
Developing and maintaining automated test scripts.
Executing Automated test scripts to identify bugs, defects.
Analysing test result and reporting issue to the development team.
Conducting regressions testing.
Contributing to the improvement of testing process and methodologies.
Demonstrate learning and self -improvement, seeking feedback.
Collaborating with software developers and quality assurance engineers..
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