RITES Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprises)
CIN: L7899DL1974GOI007227
Requires qualified professionals in the following position(s)/ discipline through walk-in-interview at RITES office from 08.08.2024 to 09.08.2024.
Location: Gurugram (Gurgaon) (Haryana, India)
VC No.: 180/24
Resident Engineer (Civil) - 01
VC No.: 181/24
Planning Manager - 1
VC No.: 182/24
Sector Expert/ Civil (P-Way) - 01
VC No.: 183/24
Site Engineer (P-Way) - 01
VC No.: 184/24
Site Engineer (Works) - 02
VC No.: 185/24
Site Engineer (Bridge) - 02
VC No.: 186/24
AutoCAD Operator - 02
Venue: RITES Office Navi Mumbai, Ahmedabad & Gurugram
For details regarding how to apply, position, remuneration, qualification, age, date & venue, selection process etc., candidates may see the detailed advertisement posted on RITES website: www.rites.com under Career Section.